Hey, I just have to say I find it so lovely to sit here alone knowing that we are all listening to these super interesting things together. Thankful for your engagement! I wrote some quick first impressions of the first composition of ensemble modern’s mosaique, ’spread in lobes like lichen on rock‘, sending it now in a hurry between the pieces.
Joshua Mastels piece “spread in lobes like lichen on rock” is on. With the focus away from the wonderful fact that this is actually a live concert, being played in this very moment, I am associating what I hear with all kinds of rumbles and corners of a city, of water flowing, of doors opening and closing. Even things that I until now have not perceived as something making noise, like the sound of lights going in different directions, crossing each other and lighting up a square. I then recognize the actual instruments more clearly, the winds with new techniques of blowing, strings making scratchy noises while the techno effects come in from time to time and completely change the atmosphere. It then no longer sounds like particular noises or actions, but as the sound of a feeling, the sound of a blurry night, a dark street, people whispering, water dripping. It is indeed difficult to put into words, why the piece for me undoubtedly takes place in a dark street near the lake, I guess that is the wonder of the music that forces you to imagine the scenery.